update about me before the flood gates

July 26th, 2013

Feel like an update on me will get lost in the shuffle once I start posting about what’s I’m currently dealing with and didn’t want to lose this for posterity and for people who haven’t gotten an update in a while.

After the 100 days off from MS, they brought me back as v- and as STE2, which is a bump from my first contract which was a- STE1. v- means I can work indefinitely where as a- means have to take 100 days off. There’s supposed to be a difference in how they work but in reality it’s mainly just an accounting difference. I need a hand full more years before I can go full time most likely, since most Read the rest of this entry »

Erin’s shitty Tuesday

July 23rd, 2013

May clean this up some when I get home, I need to post some shit in the next couple days that I haven’t made time for because I don’t want to face it but need to post to help get to the other side of how I feel and the situation, anyway, here is Erin’s shitty last Tuesday:
she started a new job monday, bus made her late for her first day
tuesday she woke up and couldn’t Read the rest of this entry »

Well, that was fun

November 25th, 2012

Erin’s stomach had been a little bad for a couple days and it got worse yesterday. David, Renoir and David’s dad were going to see Skyfall and invited me. Just as we were leaving Erin looked like she wasn’t doing well. I ask if she wanted me to stay. She said no, and I said let me know if things change. We go to the theater and the 9:20 tickets are sold out. I was in the teller line and they were in the the weird movie ticket Atm line and Read the rest of this entry »

keep thinking I should post but haven’t

November 24th, 2012

Finally feeling like I should. Recently I was looking at some old e-mail and feeling nostalgic about that time and some people and stuff going on and wanted to be able to look back and read this later basically.

I’m back from the 100 day break, I’ve been back maybe 3 months now. It’s been good to be back, mostly picked up where I left off pretty much. Learning to program in Read the rest of this entry »

logged in and found this as a draft

November 24th, 2012

this is kinda how I was feeling when I first started on my 100 day break after my last contract, I guess I was gonna do a post about it, but never did. putting it up as is:

Me: I think my contract ending is fuckign with me more than I expected
Friend: Really?
Me: my uncle has cancer, had prostate surgery and found out it’s aggressive and he may have to have chemo, radiation or both
Me: uncle I’m pretty close with (the one in st louis)
Me: think that’s a little of it
Me: bring back some cancer shit for me
Me: but I think the bulk of it is the contract ending
Me: think I may be a little depressed, feel a cloud over me a little
Me: the uncertainty of it, I’m probably coming back after the 100 days but it’s not a definite
Me: unemployment only goes on for so long and finding a job can be hard, I’ve only been in this field for a short time and I don’t look super good on paper yet and am kind of a bad interview
Friend: Yeah, a lot of shit on your plate….makes sense.
Me: and part of it is like, they’re going to be doing shit for 3 months without me even if I do come back, I don’t want them to make bad decisions or fuck shit up while I’m gone, so I think there’s some anxiety there too a little
Me: I don’t know, shit’s been going too well kinda
Friend: Makes sense though
Friend: Not quite irrational
Me: like my luck has run out somehow and this is the first piece of the downslide or something
Me: what’s not quite irrational?
Friend: Ur thoughts

quality song lyric

February 29th, 2012

was in a record store a week or two ago, a song came on that almost sounded good but ended up sounding pretty terrible, then this lyric was shat from the speaker into my ear:

she has a hole in her heart…
and between her legs…
which one will he fill

ya… *mind boggled*

Bums are weird, fyi

November 26th, 2011

I drove into the alley behind erin’s old place, saw a homelessy looking dude go stand between two garbage cans and appear to be talking to the vent on the building the cans were next to (maybe  Read the rest of this entry »

quote of alan

August 26th, 2011

Alan (a coworker) said something about me having a great memory (I do for somethings) and then said about himself, “I can’t even remember what happened tomorrow!”  We all started cracking up, he didn’t mean to say that. 🙂

update since last post, far too long

March 29th, 2011

Well, it’s been far too long since my last update, but I did keep people posted when I got the results of the scan and they were clean.  I think part of why I didn’t really post was I was afraid I’d start thinking and then puss out on moving, so I haven’t posted.

I’ve been in Seattle area for about a month now.  Seems cool, I got here in Feb and the grass Read the rest of this entry »

Christmas is over

December 26th, 2010

Well, Christmas is over and it hit me how close January is.  I think I was ignoring it, in my mind it was still a ways off but somehow now that Christmas happened it hit me and is kinda fucking with me a little.  The reason it has impact is that the last two Januarys I’ve been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s.  Think I’ve said that in a post somewhere, that Read the rest of this entry »