Archive for February, 2009

update since last post and second chemo treatment

Saturday, February 14th, 2009

Been a little while since I posted, been feeling better since then.  I laid low a little bit for a day or two and then started doing some stuff again, went to the grocery store, went to a buddies house to hang out, went and bought some shoes (my old ones are totally dead and that may be part of the problem with my hip and knees).  Didn’t really feel shitty (or only very slightly one or two days).  Overall been feeling better than I have for at least a month, maybe more like three or more months.  Actually went to work on Tuesday and Wednesday.  I felt a little tired after working but not shitty.  Feels good to not just be sitting around the house like I’ve basically been doing for more than a month, well besides going to doctors appointments.

Had my second chemo treatment Thursday, went fine.  I can feel the difference after chemo when it comes to nausea, but didn’t (more…)

oh and…

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009

the x-ray thinger I was talking about when they put the port in, it says doppler on the bill, so apparently they were checking my weather system. 🙂

well, partially spoke too soon

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009

Yesterday I only felt slightly nauseous but wasn’t bad.  I hadn’t felt shitty the few days before that, just nauseous.  Well, yesterday stuff needed to get done so I ended up doing a few things for the first time in a while.  I got a sub with my mom and then dropped her off to pick up my brother’s car that was in the shop.  Headed home because I forgot a paper and then went to the bank to get a certified check to pay the ichip insurance.  Oh, and I got accepted to ichip.  The insurance for any pre-existing condition doesn’t kick in for 6 months but if something else happens I’m covered.  The clinic discount is only for a year anyway, so anything after that would be out of pocket anyway and I’m going to need checkups and whatnot.  Anyway, I then came home and hung around for a little while and then a buddy of mine showed up.  We hung out with my mom until my dad came home and then ate dinner.  Hung out a little more and then we all played a game of rummikub and then he headed home at like 8:30.  Sounds like a pretty low key day huh?  Well, I felt like shit yesterday night a couple hours later and for the rest of the night.  I’ve basically been doing nothing for a month and yesterday was like one ioda more than nothing and felt like shit. 🙁  Was hoping to get back to work at least some but I don’t want to push it.  I’ll have to see what the next few days hold and if I do a limited amount of stuff and feel ok, I’ll see about getting back to work.

quick update

Monday, February 2nd, 2009

I’m doing alright, never had real bad nausea but did have some.  The day of I was pretty much fine.  Friday I felt a little bad but not much.  Saturday I was a little worse but not hugely worse, though I did eat cereal for dinner because if I ate more than that I think it would have been worse.  Sunday was worse still, just ate crackers with a grilled cheese sandwich (with just one slice of cheese) and a couple small pieces cut from a chicken from a roasted chicken from Jewel (grocery store).  Today I feel better than yesterday, shouldn’t have to limit what I eat too bad.  Ate a sub for lunch and that was fine.

The lumps and my goiter don’t hurt much anymore, at least for the last few days.  Don’t know if it will stay that way but here’s to hoping.  Since chemo I haven’t felt as shitty as I have for the previous last month or two.  So for now I’m doing good, the nausea wasn’t bad and is subsiding it seems and I feel fairly better now overall.  We don’t know what the other chemo treatments are going to be like.  I’ve heard that some people end up feeling more nauseous and sick after each chemo treatment, so that’s a possibility but it affects everyone different and most people I’ve talked to have other cancers so it’s a different treatment anyway.  So for all I know it may be no worse than it was this time for the rest of them.  It’s one of those wait and see kind of deals.

I finally took the tape off my incisions from the port surgery.  They both look pretty good.  They still have some of the glue stuff over them but that should be gone within a few days.  You can see the bump from he port better now with the tape gone and with the swelling down (which has been down for a few days).