Archive for February, 2010

quick update about PET scan

Friday, February 12th, 2010

I keep forgetting to say Dr. Dragon called me at 9 pm the night I had the PET scan to say it looked much better too and like the CT scan it too didn’t show anything in my left arm pit either.  It still showed that they were there but no new ones and they were less bright than they were.

Did CT scan, already got results

Thursday, February 4th, 2010

last night I almost forgot to drink the ‘smoothie’ that I’m supposed to drink the night before and then DID forget to drink the thing I’m supposed to drink an hour before.  Didn’t realize it until I got there, had changed into the robe thing and was walking into the room with the machine and the lady ask if I took the shit and I said I forgot the one from (more…)

update after last chemo and how I’m doing in general

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

My stomach is done feeling the after affects of chemo as of the last couple days or so.  This time around was pretty much the exact same as last time.  Wednesday and friday sucked but thursday sucked the most, Saturday was better than Friday and Sunday was markedly better than Saturday, with Monday pretty much back to (more…)