still hanging in

Thursday was probably the worst, Friday was about the same if slightly better, Saturday was a little better and today is slightly better than yesterday but still not normal.  The anti-nausea drugs seem to kinda not do anything, don’t know if I have to take more of them (pain medication in general don’t work well on me, so might be a similar deal) or what, but zofran just seems to make me have to eat prunes so I can shit and that’s kinda about it.  Compazine seems to have no effect as well.  Ativan/Lorazepam might do a little but not much.  Luckily, like last time, eating seems to help decently, especially greasy food.  Like last time food taste odd (worse or blander or both), ice cream, french fries and potato chips are the only things that taste right.  Burgers are pretty good.  Everything else is kinda meh or kinda bad.  Which sucks because I really enjoy good food.  This time being three days of chemo is making the after effects longer, as is obvious to expect but doesn’t make it suck any less.  Don’t know if food will start tasting good again either, last time during the original chemo at the begining I’d get a few days of mostly back to normal but by the end, stuff didn’t stop tasting bland (it tasted less actively bad but everything was dull, bland and not delicious).  Hoping that’s not the case but I’ll just have to wait and see.

My mom got a cane from a lady she knows, don’t know why she had it or why she no longer needs it but now I have it, been using it some.  My hip seems to vary daily as to how bad it is but I haven’t been doing much, today was the first time I was out of the house other than to go to the hospital since last Sunday.  Still need to make the appointment with the surgeon to have him look at the MRI and me and see what needs to be done and see how screwed I am.  If something does need to be done not sure when they’d do it, since scheduling is pretty tight with chemo and then the super chemo and stem cell shit, plus it may not heal right if I’m in the middle of chemo anyway.  My guess is that after the appointment I’d just know how important it is to use crutches/a cane for the time being and then later if needed I’d have to get something done if it’s still not good… no idea.

One Response to “still hanging in”

  1. Intuit says:

    Sounds like the part of your pallet that likes sugary sweets is working okay. But the parts that like bitter tastes are not.

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