Had an appointment with the bone doctor surgeon guy this morning. Talked a little, then got an X-Ray of both hips, then a few of each hip by it’s self with my leg in different positions. He said the bone lesion couldn’t be seen in the x-ray, so it wasn’t bad enough to need surgery for a rod or plate and can be treated using radiation. So ya, definitely good news. It’s still keeping me from doing much but definitely prefer not needing the surgery.
Been feeling decent most days, but like I said, hip still hurts pretty good some times. Haven’t been nauseous since early last week but stomach isn’t fully back to normal, still kinda prone to feeling acidy kinda. Pepcid AC helps some. Sleeping is better once I started taking advil whenever I woke up during the night, regardless of if my hip is hurting or not. Like I said before, I don’t know if it’s hodgkin’s keeping me awake or keeping me from sleeping well without advil or if it’s hip pain but either way, glad Advil is at least decently helping.