And got some great news a few days ago

Good news first, I got a PET scan last week.  I think the PET scan was to check if the remaining few lumps I’ve got are cancerous, Dr. Dragon said that the lymph nodes may not go back to normal size because of scar tissue (but have gotten way smaller anyway), so even though I have a slight amount of bulkiness and a few lumps left they may not be cancerous.  We got the results back and it was negative.  So that’s great news.  Dr. Dragon also said that my progress was “exceptional” or was it “excellent”?  It was something that meant great and started with an ‘e’. 🙂  Either way I still have to finish out the rest of my chemo, but ya, it’s good to know it’s working.

Anyway, about the PET scan, it was a little weird.  They put you in a room and inject you with some radioative stuff.  It’s kinda weird when the stuff getting injected into you is in a lead pipe thing with lead endcaps, looks vaguely like the thing that held the mutagen ooze thing from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  The syringe was inside that leadpipe thing and she pushed it with a some long q-tip tihngs that were taped together.  Then I sat in a chair for 45 mins listening to music on my Zune.  Then she brought me to a room with the PET scan machine thing. The machine is very simliar to a CAT scan except the movable table thing they put you on is thinner and they strap your arms next to you with a big thick velcro strap.  She ask what music I liked and offered to play a few CDs and she put on some Tom Petty.  About twenty minutes later after the movable table I was strapped too moved me through the machine stopped and the thing scanned me, I was done.

4 Responses to “And got some great news a few days ago”

  1. Intuit says:

    When they cut the lights out… did you glow ? 😉

  2. bLOB says:

    nah, didn’t get any mutant powers either. My ooze was defective. 🙁


  3. Intuit says:

    Hmm… if you had garnished some mutant powers from the experience, taking X-Men as a reference, who’s powers would you like to have most ? (to make it more interesting, other than Wolverine’s healing abilities)

  4. bLOB says:

    hmm… I don’t know, I know I wouldn’t want Rogue (never being able to touch anyone would suck), Storm is kinda lame, Cyclops is alright but not great,

    Magneto and Wolverine’s powers seem the most useful, and you could blend in better than some others (like Beast). Archangel is kinda cool too.

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